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When you check NFT’s price and you want to buy at another price, you can make offer.
1. To make offer to buy an NFT, you first need to visit Marketplace page on the menu on and choose Explore tab.
2. Then choose NFT you like and want to buy, then click on it.
3. Click MAKE OFFER button, a pop-up will appear, then you have to change Currency into CORK and click APPROVE button and confirm with your wallet.
4. Then type the price that you want on the PRICE box, then click OFFER.
5. Your wallet will ask you about the transaction, please click the CONFIRM button to accept it.
If your offer is accepted, the notification box is green. Conversely, it will be grey.
5. After all, you can check your transaction in Transaction History (If too many others transactions occur, you can’t see yours) or click MY NFT button, click OFFERS and choose YOUR OFFER ( All your offers are in here).
When you don’t want to buy the NFT anymore, you can cancel your offer by these following steps:
2. Then choose My NFT, then click on the Offer tab.
3. Choose Your Offer, click on the Details button of the NFT you want to cancel.
4. Then scroll down to your history transaction then click on the Cancel button. Your wallet will ask you about the transaction, please click the CONFIRM button to accept it.
5. You can check your history cancel transactions on the Transaction History section, or Click My NFT, choose Offers tab and then choose Your Offer (If you cancel successfully, you will see “Finished” status.)
When you want to sell your NFTs to other users at the price different from price you offer, you can accept offer.
2. Click My NFT, choose OFFERS page, then click DETAIL to see more information about the offer of the NFT
3. There are many offers, you choose the offer you want and click ACCEPT, your wallet will ask you about the transaction, please click the CONFIRM button to accept it.
4. After all, you can see “Own by other user” in this NFT’s information.
5. Check your NFT by click My NFT button, choose Offers, NFT you accept offer isn’t in, which meaning you accept offer successfully.
1. To cancel offer, you first need to visit on the menu on and choose Explore tab.
1. To accept offer to buy an NFT, you first need to visit Marketplace page on the menu on and choose Explore tab.